Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Baby Essentials Birth to 3 months: Baby Gear + Bath

A few weeks ago, I shared my favorite baby items for sleep. Next up is general baby gear and bath essentials!


1. Swing: Our swing was gifted to us second hand by my sister and brother in law. We couldn't be happier with this Fisher Price version, but I would imagine that if it had a motor and rocked Jake, he would love it! For months 1 to 3, Jake took many many many naps in his swing. He is approaching 6 months now and I dread the day he completely outgrows it. What will we ever do to get him to take a 3rd nap?? Lifesaver.

2. Footed PJs and onesies: Our favorites for sleepers have been Carter's and Ralph Lauren. They are super soft and Jake seems to stay cozy. Since Jake's newborn days were during the early Spring, we made sure to dress a plain white onesie under all of his outfits. Definitely a staple in the Tuller house.

3. Aquaphor: We use this stuff for everything. It's amazing. Better than Windex, as declared in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Jake has very very sensitive skin and also a dairy sensitivity that makes him very prone to eczema. Applied 2-3x a day clears it up very fast. We've even used it as a diaper rash cream in a pinch. I also really like using their shampoo + bath wash for eczema.

4. Baby tub: This picture gets me every time! Who wouldn't love the tub that this chubby baby was in?! This version has been our go-to for bath time since Jake's umbilical cord fell off and we were given the go-ahead by the pediatrician to bathe him. There's a great insert to help with sitting and the size is manageable in the sink or the bath tub. We started a bath routine with Jake from the start and I really believe that it has helped him establish strong sleep cues.

5. Car Seat: We love the Chicco Key Fit car seat. Michael and I both have a base in our cars and the seat is easily transferable from one place to another. We also have the Key Fit Caddy, which is the stroller frame that the car seat snaps into. It's really convenient for quick trips to the grocery store, mall, etc. We are also able to use it with our jogging stroller (see below). We chose the red color and love that it is gender neutral!

6. Stroller: LOVE LOVE LOVE the BOB. It is definitely on the pricey end, but I recommend waiting until the end of the year to purchase the model (Amazon sells it on super sale at that time). We have an adapter that we've used to that our car seat will fit. I am a pretty serious runner and I did a lot of research on jogging strollers. I'm confident that this is the best one I could get my hands on. I've been running with Jake (with car seat + adapter) since he was about 3 months old. The ride is so smooth. Warning: this stroller is heavy and you cannot easily open and close it with one hand. It also takes up quite a bit of room in the trunk. For a legitimate jogging/running stroller, though it's top notch. We chose to get it in Navy and haven't been disappointed!