Thursday, April 18, 2013


The most useful lesson I have learned as a new mom is one of efficiency. I've always been an organized and efficient person, but having a 5 week old has taken this skill to another level. I know exactly how long Jake will tolerate his vibrating seat (7 minutes) before he becomes bored and starts to cry. Thus, I have perfected the 7 minute shower. His naps during the day last approximately 30-45 minutes now. As soon as I am able to put him down, I run around the house with a rotating list of priorities and hold my breath until I'm needed once again by Jake. Shockingly, I never get the list completed! Despite my amped up ability to be efficient, everything seems to take 3x as long as it did before Jake arrived.

I wonder if perfecting this efficiency skill will benefit me when I return to work?! Hope so!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welcome, Jake!

Michael and I welcomed our beautiful son, James Axel Tuller, into our lives on March 11, 2013. He weighed 7 lbs, 10 oz and was 20 inches long.

The first month has been a whirlwind of exhaustion and bliss! Today, Jake is 1 month old. He is growing so fast and we notice amazing changes every day.
We are thankful for all of the love and support that our family and friends have given us over the last few weeks!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I wrote the post below on March 10th, the day before I went into labor. I got distracted before I was able to submit it. It's fun to look back on my thoughts the day before Jake arrived!

"I’m 39 weeks pregnant today. The pregnancy gods have truly blessed me with an amazing 9 months. I should be thankful. Other mothers would shoot daggers when I’d tell them that the worst part of the first trimester was mild nausea and some early bedtimes. Second trimester I hit an even better stride and speaking of stride, I ran five miles almost every day from day the EPT came back +. Somewhere around 37 weeks, though, I lost the pregnancy mo-jo. The glow has been replaced by some edema and the smile on my face cringes every time I walk into work and someone says in shock, “You STILL haven’t had that baby yet?!”
At 39 weeks, I am ready. Ready to have this baby. Ready to no  longer be pregnant. My brain tells me that once he arrives, life will become blissfully harder and I might even wish I was still pregnant. My heart, though, is so ready to meet our son. I’m physically, emotionally, psychologically ready. The big question now is……when will he be ready? This is most certainly motherhood lesson #1… schedule has officially become secondary."